Questions and Answers

NLDline Q A As we get very close to the end of the school year, any tips, warnings, etc. that you think might be helpful for teachers working with Jane? (Finals, final testing, etc) On first thought I would say PREVIEW/REVIEW will probably be the most important strategy. Talk, discuss, role model answers and discuss …

Professional Opportunities

From time to time, NLDline will be featuring professional opportunities across the nation: 7 10 06 Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance, Chicago, IL 6 25 03 Making Math Real, Berkeley CA 6 25 03 RUSH Neurobehavioral Center position, SKOKIE, IL 4 17 04 National Mental Health Association, Alexandria, VA 5 2 04 Therapeutic Service Systems, …



Pen Pals

NLDline Pen Pals GoTo Kids’ LIST        Go To Adult LIST      Siblings of NLD Kids’ LIST 9/26/02 DearFriends:  If you find your child’s age is incorrect because you sent inyour form one or two years ago, please contact NLDlinewith the updated information.  Date of entry is now being added so others will know the age at that …

Occupational Therapy

NLDline   Occupational Therapy Resources   Sensory Integration Links   Vision Therapy   Other Alternative Methods/ Sites

Sharing NLD Stories

NLDline There is nothing nicer than to hear a story first-hand.  We thank the contributors to NLDline who have honored us with their NLD stories.  By sharing their experiences, we learn more about the real people and their successes and struggles.  We are hoping that these first stories will encourage and motivate others to share …

NLD Moments

NLDline Those of us who live with or work with individuals with NLD know that often there is a choice moment when our child or NLD friend says or does something so perfect, so NLD-classic that we would love to share it with others.  We are opening this feature for just such occasions. We hope …


NLDline NLDline is happy to introduce the NLD-In-Common Listserver to those interested in further networking.  This is a special place for NLD parents,NLD adults and interested professionals to come together to communicate about NLD.  While NLD-In-Common is its own separate entity, NLDline wants with its visitors to know about this important link. Posted by Kelli …