9th Annual Symposium
ContinuingEducation Options
Throughthe generosity of these fine professional organizations, NLDA is pleased tooffer the various continuing education opportunities listed here at our 2005 Symposium.
Teachersmay earn Professional Growth semester-unit credit, for salaryadvancement and renewal of Clear Credentials. (These units are through the University of the Pacific, Centerfor Professional and Continuing Education. They are designed forprofessional growth, not for attaining an advanced degreewith the University.) Foryour convenience, ?Verificationof Attendance and Participation? forms will be available at no chargeat the symposium. Educators from any state [except CT, IA, NJ, OH, PA, TN, WI]may complete this form, have it signed by an authorized NLDA symposiumstaff person, and submit it with registration and payment for semesterunits to: Universityof the Pacific, Office of Professional and Continuing Education, Attn: Karin Alexander 696 San Ramon Valley Blvd, #518, Danville,CA 94526
Thediscounted rate is $70 per semester unit [normally $85 per semester unit], forattendance at the symposium and follow-up work. For further information on semester units, contact Karin Alexander inperson at the symposium, or prior to the symposium at [email protected]or (925) 837-3817.)
LCSW,MFTs: Continuing Education Units are pending approval from the California Boardof Behavioral Sciences.
Cost=$25 for 1- or 2-day participation.
Amaximum of 16 hours of CE may be accrued (for 2-day participation).
CMEunits will be offered through California Chapter 1 of the American Academy ofPediatrics.
Cost= $25 for 1- or 2-day participation. Amaximum of 16 CMEs may be accrued (for 2-day participation).
ContinuingEducation contact hours are pending approval from the American OccupationalTherapy Association. At a minimum,a certificate of attendance will be provided.
Cost=$25 for 1- or 2-day participation. A maximum of 16 CE contact hours may be accrued (for 2-dayparticipation).
CEU credits are pending approval forpsychologists.
Cost= $25 for 1- or 2-day participation. A maximum of 1.6 CE Units may beaccrued (for 2-day participation).
CEUcredits are available through the California Speech/Language Pathology andAudiology Board.
Cost=$25 for 1-or 2-day participation. A maximum of 16 CE Units may be accrued (for 2-day participation).