Nonverbal Learning Disorders Association’s


MarkYour Calendars Now for Next Year?s

9thAnnual NLDA Symposium


 SouthSan Francisco Conference Center

March11-12, 2005


 ?Makingthe Most of NLD: Research and Interventions?

Over 20 nationally- and internationally-knownspeakers will present on the many interrelated aspects of Nonverbal LearningDisorders, March 11-12, 2005, at the South San Francisco Conference Center nearthe San Francisco International Airport.  Variousprofessionals (MD, RN, SLP, OT, MFT, LCSW, psychologists, and educators), aswell as parents will receive vital information on NLD, with special emphasis onthe latest research and effective interventions to help individuals of all ageswith NLD. 

Variouscontinuing education options will be available for a nominal fee. We plan to offer CMEs for medical professionals, CEUs (for SLPs,psychologists, MFTs, LCSWs), Professional Development Units for educators, andcertificates of attendance for OTs and all registrants.


Learnthe most helpful interventions for NLD at this informative 2-day event! Professionals from numerous disciplines and perspectives will addressissues affecting children and adults with NLD, and those who work with them. Extra emphasis will be given to promoting growth and independence ofindividuals with NLD, based on findings of the latest research. Those in attendance can mix and match sessions from any of threetracks?professional, parent, and adult/teen. 

Among esteemedpresenters and panelists will be such well-known experts as Michele Berg,PhD Director, Center forLearning Disorders, in Topeka, Kansas (formerly part of the Menninger Clinic,Topeka) ScottBezsylko, MA (Winston Prep.);  KelliBond (founder and owner, NLD-in-Common website);  MontgomeryBrower, MD (forensic pathology);  MargaretSemrud Clikeman, PhD;  Yvona FastMLS (Employmentfor Individuals with Aspergers or NLD); Debbie Green, MA (Growing Up with NLD); Paul Grossman, JD (advocacy);  DianaHenry, OTR (sensory issues); MichaelLevin, MD (meds); MerylLipton, MD, PhD (social/emotional LD, meds); Joan Lord, MA, CCC-SLP (skill-building curriculum); Emily Rubin, MS, CCC-SLP (educational curriculum for social deficits); Herbert Schreier, MD (Children?s Hospital, Oakland); Kim Tillery, PhD, CCC (auditory processing); Kytja Voeller, MD, and Lisa Marti, BA (daily executive function); Sarah Ward, MS, CCC-SLP (executive function skills for students); Michelle Garcia Winner, MA, CCC-SLP (Thinking About YOU Thinking AboutMe); and many other experts. This year?s symposium also features a poster session, in whichstudents and professors informally discuss their ongoing research in areasrelated to NLD. 

Formore information on registration, schedule, speakers, and program, visit www.NLDline.comor,email [email protected],or call 831-624-3542. 

                  NLDA Symposium 2005   21001 San Ramon Valley Boulevard,  A4#175     SanRamon, CA  94583

 NLDA is a non-profit corporation dedicated to research, education, andadvocacy for NLD.

 FederalTax ID #68-0195839                    501(c)(3) Non-Profit Corporation #C1651920