Sharing NLD Stories


There is nothing nicer than to hear a story first-hand.  We thank the contributors to NLDline who have honored us with their NLD stories.  By sharing their experiences, we learn more about the real people and their successes and struggles.  We are hoping that these first stories will encourage and motivate others to share with us.  If you have a story to tell about your own experience with Nonverbal Learning Disorder, as an NLD individual, a parent, a resource person, a caregiver, a teacher or other professional, please email it to us at [email protected].  Wewill be happy to communicate with you and discuss the publishing of your story on our website.  

1.  A Mom’s Story
2.  Growing Up With NLD
3.   A Mother & Daughter Tale
4. Can a School for Dyslexia Benefit a NLD Child?
5.  My Story
6. Melissyisms: Every day Reminders
7. What It Has Been Like to Learn That I Have a Nonverbal Learning Disability
8. NLD Cross-Culturally
9. What is NLD? A personal definition from SHARE Support, Inc. president, Rondalyn Whitney
10. Who Is My NLD Daughter? A Mom’s Inspirational Thoughts
11.  Autism & NLD: Two Daughters
12.  Destiny:  A poem by Melissa Stahl
13.  Getting the Schools to Accept NLD
14.  Mason: Getting An Early Diagnosis
15.  Erin:  Time Has Told