Pre-Symposium Workshop


: Thursday, March 23, 2000

8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

The pre-symposium workshop will be an all day session with CarolKranowitz, author of The Out of Sync Child: Recognizing and Coping with SensoryIntegration Dysfunction and 101 Activities for Kids in Tight Spaces. Feesfor the pre-symposium workshop are listed on the registration form on the back page.Please join us for this exciting presentation.

        About The Symposium Keynoters and Presenters:    

Thursday evening, March 23 – Saturday, March 25, 2000

SHARE Support, Inc., does not endorse anyspecific treatment, method, or program. We are pleased to provide an educational forum forresource information as a service to symposium attendees.

Keynote Speakers:

Herb Schreier, M.D., Chief of Psychiatry at Children’s Hospital Oakland, is a renowned author, teacher and expert on NLD and other neurocognitive disorders. Dr. Schreier is a cornerstone of SHARE Support’s NLD Symposiums. For the fourth year in a row, we are honored to have Dr. Schreier present the keynote address Thursday evening.

Steven Nowicki, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist and co-author of Teaching Your Child The Language of Social Success and Helping the Child Who Doesn’t Fit In. He is a recipient of two Fullbright awards and is currently the Charles Howard Candler Professor of Psychology at Emory University. Dr. Nowicki has authored over 150 publications and presentations.

Carol Stock Kranowitz, MA is a teacher who has worked for 20 years in the field of Sensory Integration Dysfunction, developing and co-authoring a widely-used screening program. She is author of the best selling book, The Out of Sync Child: Recognizing and Coping with Sensory Integration Dysfunction and will offer dynamic, interactive demonstrations as well as clear explanations as to what you can do to help children overcome the many deficits of SID, NLD, Asperger’s and other neurocognitive disorders.


Kathy Allen, M.T.S., is a client advocate who has a son with NLD. Kathy has a Masters Degree in pastoral counseling and has written the popular Star-Shaped Pegs, Square Holes for families of and kids with NLD.

Robert S. Blum, M.D., is a neurologist and neurosurgeon with practices in Vallejo, Ross and San Rafael, California. He is a qualified medical examiner, with a particular interest in NLD.

Laurie Chakin, OD, MS, OTR, Developmental Optometrist, is a nationally-published and highly respected expert on visual disorders as they affect learning and occupational performance. Dr. Chakin is enthusiastically received as a speaker throughout the country and will offer information about the visual-spatial-organizational components of NLD and other neurocognitive learning disorders.

Timothy Derning, Ph.D., is a forensic psychologist in private practice. He provides psychological evaluations and LD (learning disabilitiy) expert treatment.

Sue Diamond, MA, CCC-SLP, is a speech and language pathologist specializing in children’s articulation, voice stuttering and language disorders.

Deborah Green, MA is the author of Growing Up With NLD. She received a Bachelors in English from Scripps College, a Masters in English from Boston University,and a Masters in Education from Tufts University. She is currently teaching sixth grade Language Arts and Literature in Albuqurque, New Mexico.

Chuck Haynes, MA and Kathleen McMurdo, MA are teachers at Chartwell School in Seaside, California. Both are California credentialled Resource Specialists with Masters in special education. At Chartwell, Kathleen and Chuck have combined their skills to create a program that teaches writing to students with learning difficulties.

Meryl Lipton, M.D., Ph.D., is a neurologist and director at the Rush Neurobehavioral Center in Skokie, Illinois, who has a long-standing interest in education and neurology with a particular focus on NLD.

Kathryn McCarthy, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist with the Berkeley Psychology Clinic. She developed a social skills training program for children and teens withNLD.

Kelli McCarthy OTR-L, BCP, is clinical supervisor of occupational therapy at The Center for Rehabilitation, Berkshire Medical Center in Pittsfield, MA. Her primary area of practice is in pediatrics with an emphasis on NLD.

Kathy McMurdo see Chuck Haynes

Joe Palombo is the Founding Dean of the Institute for Clinical Social Work, Chicago; he is a Faculty Member, Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy Program, Chicago Institute for Psychoanalysis; Research Coordinator of the Rush Neurobehavioral Center, Department of Pediatrics, Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke’s Medical Center, and is in private practice.

Marcia Brown Rubinstien, MA, Certified Educational Planner, is an independent educational consultant with expertise in finding appropriate placements for children with special needs. She co-chairs the LD Committee of the Independent Educational Association and is currently spearheading an effort to develop a national advocacy association aimed at educating parents and professionals about NLD. Marcia is also the parent of a 14-year old child with NLD.

Kathryn Stewart, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist and Director of Amador Family Center, specializing in the assessment and treatment of children and families.

Wendy Veder, MS, OTR is an occupational therapist specializing in Sensory Integration. Formerly of the Jean Ayre’s Clinic in LA, Wendy practices in Northern California using the auditory system as a way of helping children become more organized and better able to function in their environment. Wendy is one of the pioneers in this technique and will be presenting from her unique depth of experience and knowledge.

Rondalyn V. Whitney, MOT, OTR President of SHARE Support, Inc. practices as an occupational therapist using a sensory integrative approach. She specializes in the treatment of children who have NLD and Asperger’s, consults with parents, teachers, and other professionals and leads national workshops and inservices. Rondalyn is also the mother of a 9-year old child with NLD who is succeeding with early intervention.

Michelle Garcia Winner, MA, CCC, is a speech pathologist specializing in social-cognition. She has worked in the field for fifteen years, treating a range of clients in medical and public school settings. She is currently in private practice including direct service, consultation, and is a nationally-acclaimed workshop leader.

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