Posted by Steve Dykstra on June 12, 203 at 14:46:58:
In Reply to: Steve Dykstra, More Great News!!! posted by Moe on June 11, 203 at 20:12:13:
If there is one thing that is a key to a student doing a reasonable job in high school, I think it has a lot to do with whether or not they have some goal in life, a career choice, a vocational interest, etc. Otherwise, what is all this effort for??? (in their minds…) I don’t care if the goal changes day by day, but we need to afford our kids as many varied experiences as we can, so they can find or even stumble into something that turns them on. Dr. Mel Levine says that the goal of every American High School should be to find the one great strength of every student, and then exploit the heck out of it. MAKE the kid feel proud. I agree with that 100%. Thanks for sharing the news about your son’s cooking aspirations. Good job giving him the exposure 10 years ago!