Re: psych class

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Posted by PT on August 30, 203 at 10:34:32:

In Reply to: psych class posted by Dan on August 30, 203 at 09:38:50:

:I’ve decided I’m going to write it about non-verbal communication and NLD. My proffesor thinks it’s a good topic. I think I’m really going to enjoy the psych class. I just wanted to know what you guys thought of the topic. I hope everyone has a good weekend.


It sounds like a great topic but I am curious as to what you are doing to specifically write about regarding non verbal communication and NLD. As an FYI, you might want to look at Steve Nowicki’s books on the topic because he makes a very important point that a person like an NLDer can be bad in some areas of non verbal communication but not every one. He feels we do a big disservice to people by not specifically pinpointing the areas they have trouble in.

I heard him speak at the 2000 NLDA Conference and it was my aha moment. I didn’t understand why my neuropcych evaluation was making me out to be horrible in all aspects of non verbal communication when I knew that wasn’t the case. He answered those questions for me.

Sorry, I went off on a tangent but his books occurred to me when I saw what you were going to write about. Good luck with the paper and I know you will do a great job on it.

I enjoy your updates. Keep writing them.


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