Re: I learn from my son

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Posted by Barbara C on September 05, 203 at 20:11:32:

In Reply to: I learn from my son posted by Moe on September 05, 203 at 20:06:03:

Hi Moe,
I’m glad to hear that your son is so capable. That is great! I don’t know how to pump gas, but in New Jersey it’s against the law for us to do it anyway. My daughter is pretty good with technology. The three of us got new cellphones the other day and she programmed the address book right away and tried creating her own custom ring. My husband was next and I just did my address book tonight. When she was younger, we called her ‘techno tot’. Now we call her ‘techno teen.’ She’s good on the PC too.
: I’m not sure which person wrote about having trouble with technology; but I really have trouble with some of the modern gadgets. My son, who has NLD, teaches me how to use these gadgets, including pumping gas for me. I call him my right hand man. He’s a very good teacher. I don’t know what I would do with out him. Take care. Moe

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