Re: Any positive feedback on Strattera?

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Posted by KIRK IN AZ. on September 17, 203 at 00:07:40:

In Reply to: Re: Any positive feedback on Strattera? posted by Crys on July 29, 203 at 08:44:42:

: I found out I have ADHD about a year ago. This after nearly 13 years of being misdiagnosed with everything from opp defiant disorder to bi polar to schizoprhenia and back. As a result I have also been on a ton of meds that either did nothing or turned me into a zombie. In short there have been many drs. etc that I hold a touch of a grudge against for doing what many doctors in the mental health community do. NOT listen to their patients. I’ve been on adderall, 20 mg, and when I first began taking it, I was falling behind in school and was worried I’d be dropping out again soon. With in weeks I managed to get caught up and pulled two classes from Ds to a B and a A. I felt good for the first time in my life. I didn’t feel drugged out or like I was insane anymore. I got stuff done. I started to notice that I was picking at my arms horribly. I have scars and my eyebrows are nearly none existant. My mom and husband have commented. My mother is on another adhd med and her head is so scabbed over her hairdresser won’t cut her hair. I am a recovering addict and my drug of choice was crystal meth. It effected me differently than others and that past use and why I abused it was an indication that I might have adhd. I am aware of the behaviors of someone who is “wired” and some days.. I feel that way. I’m wondering if I’m on too high of a dose or the wrong med altogether. I worry that I may not be able to take a stimulant med and well if someone had spent the majority of their life feeling bad and hopeless and all of a sudden received the right treatment.. it’s hard to think of having to go back to that. Any suggestions?

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