Re: All call for assistance

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Posted by Steve Dykstra on October 28, 203 at 18:31:27:

In Reply to: All call for assistance posted by KC on October 28, 203 at 11:34:39:


Great job! I have given workshops on NLD also and always enjoy giving them, ONCE you get by the fact that some people don’t believe that NLD exists.

MY main point? I have always felt that NLD is very much a disorder of confidence… so anything people can do (keep good data on performance to share with students, don’t just go with hunches; make praise specific; praise 10x more than you criticize; focus on strengths, not weaknesses; structure tasks for success; employ a “no wrong answer approach”; make learning fun; ask students frequently “so what have you learned from this?”; etc.) will pay your teachers back many times over for their efforts.

A related point? Make sure all evaluations document what kids can do (relative strengths, and how they can use these in class) as well as what they cannot do. Also, use a multiple intelligences/learning style type of teaching approach. Figure out how kids are smart instead of focusing on how smart they are… (By the way, this also makes the school day go SO MUCH faster…)

Hope it helps,

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