Re: Do you know of NLD interventions

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Posted by Barbara C on November 08, 203 at 12:59:02:

In Reply to: Re: Do you know of NLD interventions posted by karen on November 08, 203 at 06:08:37:

Our schools give each child an agenda book in which to write their homework, notes from/to the teachers/parents, etc. I can honestly say that my daughter is better this year than any other, in writing down what she has to do and in bringing home what’s needed. I think last year’s study skills teacher helped her develop that habit. Would it be possible for the teachers to help out with this or do either of your sons have a friend who could help them? Some teachers post assignments on the school website, but not very many. Also, if I know about something ahead of time, I will ask her when I pick her up if she has the materials with her that she will need. Having folders to put papers in helps also.

: The school is a small private school and they are helping as much as they can. I haven’t given them the full diagnosis because it has the word Aspbergers at the top. Our Psych. told us to be really careful whom we give that information to as it will follow him everywhere. So, it seems we are forced to come up with our own interventions. The teachers so far have been very willing to work with him. His biggest problem is remembering to bring homework home. He really struggles with that and we have tried many different kinds of methods. What does your daughter do?
: Karen

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