Re: Games – homemade game for grid learning

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Posted by Thom on May 21, 1999 at 10:02:54:

In Reply to: Games that can help with NLD (Fun helps) posted by Kate on May 19, 1999 at 12:37:45:

I made a little computer game called Grid Reality when I notice our six-year-old boy wasn’t getting the concept of grids. The game has a 30×15 grid with one axis labeled with numbers and the other labeled with letters. An unhappy looking face appears in one grid square and the child is prompted to drag the face to the correct square.

To make reading the large grid easier, the child has the option of turning on movable guides. One guide can be dragged vertically, the other horizontally. The guides are transparent where they intersect. This gives the child the chance to focus on the concept of grid intersections without worrying too much about the mechanics of tracing a straight path through a long grid.

The program uses a lot of audio to guide the user and encourage them. I made the program in just one late night, so the graphics aren’t commercial quality. But it really seemed to help our son grasp the basics quickly.

I’ve posted the program to an ftp site . If you download it, please write back letting me know what you think.

The game is about 5MEG as a self-extracting zip file. The game is one big file, so you just extract it and double click on the resulting executable.

My next project will probably be about dragging farm animals into a table to classify them by various characteristics. ‘Till then.

[email protected]

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