Posted by Liz on September 25, 1999 at 20:53:00:
I have a daughter who just turned 7. She was diagnosed with PDD-NOS at age 4 and a half. She received speech until the District said she no longer qualified because she scored slightly above the 7th percentile which is the criteria for services. She was evaluated for OT services and the OT thought she would benefit from sensory integration and the “How Does Your Engine Run” program, but since the scores were also not low enough they wouldn’t pay for the services. Nor would they pay for the OT to consult with me (“It’s not our job to train parents” they said) or her private school teacher.
Last school year, her teacher was always telling me of problems she had with my daughter constantly talking, not sitting still, not listening, etc. I tried to explain that my daugther didn’t seem to “get it” half the time you talk with her or else she took you so literally that it got her into trouble that way. The teacher said my daughter was just immature and lacking social skills. She even complained about the manner in which my daughter talks because she thought she was playing. (The speech therapist called it “her teacher voice” because it has a quality about it that seems fake and a bit robotlike — if that makes sense.) The teacher thought my daughter should be retained in first grade for another year despite her performance on or above grade level in all of her subjects.
My daughter is a perfectionist and a constant worrier (the recent news about hurricanes and earthquakes have created quite a bit of havoc that no talking will ease). She constantly is falling for no reason yet we can’t get the doctor to see any problem even though he has treated her for twisted knees (as a result of falls) and commented on her extremely bruised legs. She continues to be confused over why she “can’t get it” a lot of times. She also gets confused because she doesn’t know “what she did wrong” a lot of times too. It breaks my heart to see that blank look of confusion or to hear her cry because she doesn’t understand what’s going on or because she can’t function at school or with her friends or something.
Most of the therapist she has seen do not think the PDD-NOS is accurate. They all agree “something is off” about her, but are not really sure what it is. A therapist she was seeing last year suggested she might have NLD. I can’t seem to find where to take her especially since my insurance thinks I am a “hysterical Mom”. I don’t know what to do. I don’t know how to help her. At times I truly feel lost and helpless.
Any help and advice would be very appreciated, because I don’t know what else to do.
- Re: Need advice. klop 04:21:40 3/13/4(0)
- Re: Need advice. Anita 13:16:07 9/27/99(2)
- Re: Need advice. try jp itm works call 1 701 8528818 bev 08:36:36 12/06/99(0)
- Re: Need advice. try jp itm works call 1 701 8528818 bev 08:36:33 12/06/99(0)
- Re: Need advice. try jp itm works call 1 701 8528818 bev 08:36:36 12/06/99(0)
- Re: Need advice. Debbie M. 08:14:14 9/26/99(0)