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Posted by Donna on February 24, 2000 at 16:42:33:

In Reply to: Re: NEED HELP WITH MEDICATION!! posted by Dayle on February 19, 2000 at 12:38:10:

I have my son on BUSPAR and he seems to do real well even to the point that hecan identify that it had helped with theanxiety and nervousness Good Luck:
: : My daughter will soon turn 8 years old. She was diagnosed with NLD at the age of 4. Since then, we have been searching for a drug or combination of drugs to help her.
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: : She is extremely hyperactive, talks nonstop, is difficult to reason with and discipline, extremely impulsive, and sporadically agressive with her peers, family, and animals. She is greatly delayed with her find and gross motor skills, as well as reading, writing, and mathematics. She also lacks social skills and awareness of unsafe situations, and requires constant supervision.
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: : Medications that we’ve tried include Ritalin, Dexedrine, Clonadine, Depakote, Nortryptyline, Paxil, Zyprexa,and Tegretol. These medications were either ineffective from the start, aggravated her symptoms, or produced improvement for a short period of time and then stopped being effective. She is currently taking 10mg. of Aderall in the A.M., which is helping her somewhat, but also makes her quite agitated and edgy. She shows signs of perseverative language and behavior and can get stuck on her needs being met. She also has had various sleep problems including difficulty falling asleep at night and waking up too early in the morning.
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: : I am eager to hear if anyone has had success with combining a stimulant medication with another medication to take the edge off. We are considering adding Inderal to the mix, but I would be interested in hearing about any drugs or combonations that you have found effective. We have tried so many and are exhausted!!! Also, has anyone heard of or experieced success with any homeopathic or natural remedies for the above symptoms? Thank you very much in advance.

: My son had been on prozac 10 mg for more than a year with marked imporvement in anxiety and frustration tolerance. I am taking him for another med. eval. in April–discontiuination of the med led to marked exacerbation of symtoms.

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