Re: Gagging

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Posted by Debbie M. on May 19, 2000 at 15:32:22:

In Reply to: Gagging posted by Lesley on May 18, 2000 at 20:12:31:

I remember having extreme difficulty taking pills as a child. My mom got a special cup with a side pocket for the pill. Since it always got stuck in the pocket, it wasn’t real helpful.

Thankfully, I didn’t have to take many pills. I ate chewable Vitamin C and multivitamins and rarely had to take anything else.

As an adult, I’ve developed a trick which helps. I put the pill directly on top of my tongue in a dry mouth. Then I rapidly drink a glass of water. As the tongue propels the water back, the pill floats along and goes down too.

Also, if the pill can be ground up or dissolved, that would make life easier. Have you checked with your doctor about this?

Debbie M.

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