Re: Gagging

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Posted by Alice on May 20, 2000 at 07:39:47:

In Reply to: Re: Gagging posted by Debbie M. on May 19, 2000 at 15:32:22:

Debbie: I remember having extreme difficulty taking pills as a child. My mom got a special cup with a side pocket for the pill. Since it always got stuck in the pocket, it wasn’t real helpful.

Alice: I remember that I too had extreme difficulty taking pills as a child. It was harder for my poor mom to get a pill down my throat than it was for her to give the cat a pill!

I was given chewable pills when I was a child with an artificial orange flavor. I couldn’t stand the flavor or the texture of the pill. I remember that it was very metallic in taste and it made me gag. I still don’t like any artificial orange flavors.

I can take pills now, using the trick that Debbie uses. The pill has to be coated because some pills have a very strong bitter flavor, which makes me gag immediately upon putting the pill in my mouth.

I also cannot gargle.

Alice the witch and her familiar, Sassafrass

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