Posted by Pat Tweet on November 03, 2000 at 07:55:45:
Should I have my 11-year-old classified as learning disabled? That would change her IEP and improve her chances of being admitted to an excellent local private school for kids with learning disabilities. We are worried because we don’t believe Stephanie is making friends in her inclusion classroom at the neighborhood public school. She reads somewhat above her grade level, but currently is being pulled out of the classroom for speech and occupational therapy several times a week. She seems to be getting discouraged about making progress in speech and OT, and while I hear about her younger sister’s friendships at school, I don’t get the sense that Stephanie has a best friend or some good friends. She tends to sit by herself on the swing on the playground after school for some time before she begins playing with other kids.
Thanks for your ideas and help.
- Re: Classification and social progress Barbara 10:20:17 11/03/00(1)
- Re: Classification and social progress Deb 11:59:26 11/20/00(0)
- Re: Classification and social progress Deb 11:59:26 11/20/00(0)