Re: Did your NLD kids have colic?

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Posted by suzanne on April 06, 201 at 15:46:27:

In Reply to: Did your NLD kids have colic? posted by Michele S on April 05, 201 at 14:41:34:

: I was reading a post on another board where someone mentioned their daughter had colic as a baby. My ds did also. I wonder if this is common. Please post your experiences.

we have an 8 year old NLD son through adoption. we know his birthmother smoked and his birthweight was on the low side; to our knowledge, the pregnancy was relatively uneventful and labor and delivery were normal. we brought him home from the hospital nursery when he was 4 days old. yes, he had colic–big time! we had no issues with a seeming intolerance of, or allergic reaction to, formula. but, our son was a tough kid to parent from the very beginning. for the 1st 3 months, he was up every 1.5 hours, around the clock. he, too, had chronic ear infections the first year, although we did not have tubes installed. our son also has extensive non-food allergies; we had him tested for allergies when he was about 3.

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