Re: The threatening schoolyard

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Posted by CAROL on April 27, 201 at 18:09:39:

In Reply to: Re: The threatening schoolyard posted by Dick on April 22, 201 at 11:14:06:

: I looked up the book. It is by Carol Gray indeed. Thanks for the tip. I will look into it.
: Dick.

: : There is a resource book called “Taming the Recess Jungle”. I can’t remember the author, but it might be Carol Gray. It starts with an assessment of what the child knows and what he needs to learn about recess. It contains some teaching curriculum (direct instruction for recess skills) and I think a social story.
: : I also got recess instruction added to my child’s IEP. He has a para that helps him find a friend, stay engaged and interpret social cues. Remember, your child likely needs direct 1:1 teaching to learn these complex skills.
: : good luck
: : : Our son (7) was diagnozed PPD-Nos two years ago, but now after a first attempt at WISC there is a strong suspicion of NLD (VIQ-PIQ=21).
: : : One of his specific problems is coping with the schoolyard when it is full of children. He collapses and is afraid when seeing the schoolyard full of children. After reading some of the contributions to this site I now start to understand that he cannot grasp the “gestalt” of the situation, that he cannot see the mass of children as something he does not have to talk with. Generally his communication is very adequate in 1 on 1 situations, especially with adults, but as soon as “crowds” develop he starts to loose control.
: : : Does anyone of you have experience or knowledge of (verbal) strategies to learn a child like this to cope with schoolyards full of children?
: : : Greetings,
: : : Dick.

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