Re: tired and frustrated

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Posted by Julie on October 23, 201 at 19:29:52:

In Reply to: tired and frustrated posted by Kim on October 05, 201 at 06:58:40:

Yes I have been there. Our son is 18. We have had terrible resources so have struggled on our own. Sometimes he is gentle, kind, and sensitive but too often he is obnoxious, rude, or aggressively mean. He says loud things in public that make me want to die. We had neighbors come to the door a few years ago and he said loudly, “Mom, those people that we don’t like are here”. We lie and tell people he is a bad jokster, or that he saw it on TV and was mimmicking. He has told therapists that they are very weird (and he was right on the money with some of them!) I am very afraid he will say something in the wrong crowd and be beaten or shot. He was attacked by 2 guys a few months ago, they claim he made remarks to them – he says he didn’t say anything (he mumbles and talks to himself w/out realizing it). I wish there was a cure for this nightmare.

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