Posted by Angele Lalonde on December 02, 201 at 07:28:33:
I just came back from parent teacher interviews where I got a bit of a shock. My son’s grade 6 teacher and resource teacher asked “what can we do to help get him ready for grade 7?” I wasn’t expecting such interest on their part and I didn’t know what to answer apart from – he needs to be more independent.
At the moment my son is being homeschooled two days a week and goes to school the other three. His school has a total of 40 students from kindergarten to grade 6.
Next year he would like to return to his old school which has 500+ students from kindergarten to grade 12. We removed him from that school this year because they were too demanding of him and not accomodating. All of his friends are at this school and he doesn’t want to go to yet another school.
Any ideas as to how we can prepare him for reintegration into a big Junior HIgh?