Re: Confused about PIQ and VIQ numbers on the WISC-III test

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Posted by Leah on May 25, 202 at 20:16:47:

In Reply to: Confused about PIQ and VIQ numbers on the WISC-III test posted by Laura on May 23, 202 at 19:14:30:

: Hello,

: My son was tested on the WISC-III. His scores are as listed:

: Verbal Scale : 140
: Perf. Scale : 113
: Is this a discepancy that would warrant additional testing to inquire about his having NLD? He does have some of the traits that are associated with NLD.
: I would appreciate your experienced input.
: Thanks,
: Laura

While the discrepancy between verbal and performance IQ doesn’t automatically mean NLD, it is a significant difference.Who did the WISC testing? Is your son getting LD service for something? Is he struggling with areas in school? While everything varies by school district, NLD is not recognized by the law as a specific learning disability. Most children who get service are either classified Other Health Impaired or WRitten Language. What has been helpful for me about having a diagnosis, is that it gives me a map to think about how to intervene to help my son. Whether you want to pursue added testing would probably depend on what problems your child is encountering and what you are hoping the testing will help you do. Leah

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