Revisting old diagnosis – Need Help!

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Posted by Winslow on November 22, 202 at 19:28:46:

Hello everyone — I’m new here and I hope you can help me. 2 1/2 years ago when my child was 10 and had been dx with ADD, my husband and I decided to have an eval done prior to our daughter entering middle school. A well respected clinician did the evaluation, it was sent to the school and an IEP was put into place. I felt very comfortable with the team and let them lead the way.

As I re-read this evaluation this many years later I cannot believe the clinician was talking about my daughter — it’s as if she crunched the numbers and came up with the diagnosis, with shakey support.

Re: the criteria and my child:

She was not, like many NLD children, an early talker. She really did not form simple senteces until between 2-3. She did have echolalia and confused syntax — she remains in speech tx now for articulation. Her vocabulary is average and always has been but she is a great speller.

Motor coordination has always been excellent:
walking, balance, climbing, swimming, bike riding,
ballet, lacrosse, etc.
Visual Spatial – there could be deficits here
Social skills – fine, given middle school self-consciousness and angst. She has friends – but is not a social butterfly. From *very* early childhood our daughter has been friendly, very sensitive to non-verbal cues, others’ feelings, and very polite.
Sensory: enjoys sensory experience – since babyhood but no aversions

What happened? Many thanks! WT

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